
Its Been An Year,

It was glorious, far away what I lived,
It was complete with her Smile
Nothing was worthy when she was Alive so not today,
I wish I could spend my time where I was born, the city was sighted lived by her.
I wish I could play in those joy lands where she used to take me for my smile
I wish to do shopping holding her hand which I had lost last year,

Its winters, and I'm burning from inside
This hole can never be filled what I could say I shifted to a new home or I'd loose where she brought me up,
Life is so complicated, I don’t know what to for
I had to be thankful.
A happy moment is nothing when we have to be choosy,

It happened with me I'm living in a palace without it's Queen
I’m looking beyond the sky but I can never see her alive my wish is it, but I know its not possible
A tired smile with a lot of tears
Smile may be because she is not in pain like when she was in last year
A suffocating deadly person

O sun, you are looking at me sitting alone and writing, you can understand because our heat is equal,
A single difference you been a day and I'm being a tear in each Eye
I can never finish it off until I'll exhale my final breathe
O mom I love you as much as the pain I'm Living without you

May Allah rest your Soul in Peace Ameen......